Thursday, March 15, 2007

Impeach Gonzales

Working Assets is my long distance phone service.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Impeach Gonzales.

[Michael is the President of Working Assets]

We have changed our mind on the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. He should not resign. Instead, he should be impeached and forced to testify under oath.

If he merely resigns, he will most likely occupy an endowed position at the American Enterprise Institute or become a highly paid lobbyist like his predecessor John Ashcroft. For the man who crafted the legal argument for torture, who lied to the Senate about the existence of unauthorized wiretapping with warrants, and who said with a straight face that politics played no role in the dismissal of eight (and counting) U.S. attorneys, this is far too good a fate.

He deserves a trial. So, Working Assets is changing our position from resign or be impeached, simply to impeach. Testimony under oath should be compelled from all those involved. We are way beyond the point of polite requests.

And while we are on the subject, now that we know that former White House legal counsel Harriet Miers wanted to dismiss all of the U.S. Attorneys, isn’t it even more stunning that she was nominated to sit on the Supreme Court?


Urge House Speaker Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to begin impeachment proceedings against U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales immediately. Your message will be cc'ed to Attorney General Gonzales.

Posted By Michael Kieschnick At 1:11 PM

it is a pleasure to pay my long distance phone bill.


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